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  • Writer's pictureJonas Vidas

Accusations Against the Jesuits

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Excerpts from Engineer Corps of Hell (From page 33)

I've selected just this information for good reason. If other Popes found the following statements fitting to the activities of this sect, then what other accusations are required? The honest Popes must be better judges of their actions than we, being on "the outside" and not knowing of the truth.

Note by the Translator.—If such are the opinions of a liberal Catholic 80 beautiful, ardently and eloquently expressed, what ought not Protestants, Hebrews, and liberals to do in America and around the globe, to throw off the yoke of Rome entirely wherever it is attempted to be fastened to fetter the people. Repudiate the whole thing entirely, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians, Carthusians, Paulist Fathers, Fathers of the Holy Faith, Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Curates, Convents, Monasteries filled with lazy, licentious Friars, and clean out the whole business of this caravansary of prostitution and lust, under the name of the Roman Catholic religion.

Popes who were stricken down after opposing the Jesuits:

Sextus V was stricken down by premature death (immature morte precepti) at the time of attaining the subjection of the Jesuits to his established law.

The same fate attended Clement VIII, but his death did not immediately happen; it was predicted with certainty by the Father, Bellarmin until the very moment of going to condemn the doctrine of Moline favored by the Jesuits.

Innocent XIV died immediately when he meditated upon the measures for abolishing the Society.

Clement XIV died immediately after having dissolved the Jesuits. It is to be noted that these different corpses and many others of bishops and cardinals who were as little disposed toward the Jesuits and always died by them, and have contributed evidence for us to regard them with sinister suspicions.

The Jesuit Pedro Janige having written against the Society a work called " The Jesuit upon the Scaffold," was surprised by the Holy Fathers, who compelled him to sign a retraction. Their action was continued until the removal of Father Janigb, in consequence of a crime that they took care to exempt. Melchior Inchoffer, a Jesuit suspected to be the author of the ''Monarchy of Solipsos," was violently carried away clandestinely from Rome, whither he had returned to petition the Pope. Father Scotti, the true author of the '' Solipsos," escaped with difficulty the poniard and the poison.


THE AUTHORS ARE Pope Clement VIII, Francisco de Borgia, third General of the Jesuits, Geromo Lazuna, San Carlos, The Blessed Palafoz, Cardinal Turon, Parliament of Paris, Id., Charles III, The last moments of Clement XIV, Palafoz to Innocent X, Monclas, Bull of Benedict IV, The Father Lachaise, Innocent XIII, The Charlotaise, etc. "The Jesuit is a sword whose hilt is in Rome and its point everywhere," says General Foy.



Vede il signer, di questa camero io governo non dico Pirigi, mala China, non guia la China, ma tutto il mondo, senzache messuno sappio come si fa.—(Tamburini, the General of the Jesuits.) "See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris but to China; not only to China but to all the world, without anyone to know how I do it."

Effectively, not being the Jesuits, but its institutes, subjects of no king, its general is the first in the world. In 1773 the Jesuits were 22,000, today (1846) they number 46,000, and who does not fail to ask, "Where are the Jesuits? (God and the Devil can only answer correctly. Translator.) OCCULI HABENT SED NON-VIDERUNT.


Opinion of Pope Clement VIII. (1592.)

"The curiosity drawn to the Jesuits is gathered from everywhere; overall, in the confessionals, to know from the penitent, whatever passes in her house, between her children, servants, or other persons who are domiciled with them, or to whom they come, and every incident which may happen. If they confess a Prince they have the power to govern all his States, desiring to govern for him, and making him to believe that nothing will go well without their care and industry." It is not a philosopher who looks out for the Jesuits, it is the Chief of the Churchy let us see the judgments by its third General, Francisco Borgia.


"The time will arrive very soon, in which the ' Company of Jesus' will become very solicitous in the human sciences, but without a single application to virtue, the ambition will be to dominate, the overbearing and pride penetrating its soul, to rule alone and no one can refrain them. The spirit of our brethren is trampled upon by an unlimited passion for temporal goods, an eagerness to accumulate with the utmost ardor of the worldly." Here is a prediction that does not pertain to Voltaire nor to Michelet but to Gerome Lanuza, Bishop of Albarraoin.


"Robbing the alms given to the poor, to the beggars and the sick, drawing to them the rabble. * * * Contracting familiarities with women and teaching them to wrong their husbands and to give them their goods to hide."


" A long time have we seen the Society of the Jesuits in imminent danger of a sudden decadence, for many bad heads and evil maxims predominate among them." (Letters of San Carlos of the 15th of April, 1759, to M. Speciaup.)


"We have no religious order more prejudicial to the universal Church, or who have made themselves more revolting to Christian provinces, etc." (Bishop Palafoz to Pope Innocent X. Letter II, Chapter III, Pages 115, 116.)


We read in the sentence given by the parliament of France of 1662: "The institute of the Jesuits is inadmissible, for its nature in its whole estate is contrary to natural right, opposed to all authority, spiritual and temporal, and on the road to introduce under the cloak of a religious institution, a body politic, whose essence consists in a continual activity, to reach by whatever way their desire, direct or indirect, secret or public, until first an absolute independence, and successively the usurpation of all authority."


The sentence of 1762 contained the following paragraph relating to the moral of the Jesuits: "The moral practice of the Society of the Jesuits is perverse, destructive of all religious principle and of probity; injurious to the Christian morality; pernicious to civil society; seditious and contrary to the rights and nature of the royal power, and to the sacred persons of the sovereigns, and to the obedience of the subjects; they are adapted to excite the greater revolts in the States, and to reform and sustain the most profound corruption in the hearts of men.

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